The idea that college football players are students first and athletes second is not something that I buy into at all, but that is what the old crusty leaders of our fine universities will tell you. These athletes go to school to earn a degree (in theory), mature, and come out with a decent paying job. Once again, that is what we have been told over and over.
First of all, the thought that college football players should be happy that they are receiving a free education is nice, but it's "the pie in the sky" thought. The Northwestern players that are trying to unionize were putting in about 60 hours a week on the field AND try to keep up with the stringent educational goals that the school had for them. Between football and their studies, when were these kids to supposed to sleep? The athletes need to be able to unionize, so somebody can oversee them and have their best interest in mind.
Next, thinking that these coaches have their best interest in mind is also a myth. Being a high school football coach I see how some coaches at different schools want their best players to be on the field regardless of their grades. I've seen that close up and wonder why nobody really wants to help these kids succeed in the classroom before the field. Coaches on the high school level and up are under tremendous pressure to win and many of them, sadly, do whatever is necessary to get those wins for their respective school. Meanwhile, the kids are the ones that are not being serviced correctly and made ready for the real world. Somebody needs to stick up for these kids when their coaches don't.
Finally, these college football players bring in so much money for the universities that should be compensated for their efforts. I believe that athletes that have their likenesses used or their numbers on the jerseys in the campus stores should have that money put into some sort of account that they can cash in once they leave the university. I wonder how much money Johnny Manziel would have got from Texas A&M if they had these accounts set up.
The NCAA says that it has the best interests of the athletes in mind, but when they are making hand over fist in cash with Bowl games, playoff games, etc. then it would be in THEIR best interests to share the wealth with the "students" that put the money into their coffers!
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